Monday, May 7, 2007

Closing thoughts

Okay, closing thoughts, on the next to the last day.

Let's see, what was my favorite thing that I learned through this project? I think RSS turned out to be the most useful, though I was skeptical about it at the time. In use, it turned out to be pretty interesting.

What would I have thought to do differently? I think I would have liked to have done the E-book first, because it had a direct impact on something the library uses, then launch from there, looking at more unfamiliar technologies, then ended back where we began, with an MP3 player that could download our first assignment.

What future projects could be handled this way? Maybe lessons on how to use library software, databases and catalogs, would work well. And if there's a prize, well, that's not such a bad idea either.

And, to answer the last question, if I could travel back in time and tell myself to complete this project or skip it, I think I would tell myself to go ahead, but to not stress so much over lesson # 19.

One more 2.0 topic I would like to learn? Something along the line of gaming. So many patrons come in with problems connecting to gaming, it would be nice to have some idea what they're talking about. Gaming has changed so much since the gopher days when we gamed without any graphics, just text.

Thursday, May 3, 2007


Well, podcasts were interesting. The first podcast I was able to get to work was the King County Law Library. I expected boring, but it starts with some pretty jazzy music. Don't get me wrong, it does get boring after that. Then I tried a few other podcasts. Some worked, a couple didn't. All in all, pretty cool, though not for front desk use. (Dancing to jazzy music makes the patrons wonder about you).

Okay, I'm ready for my MP3 player so I can download an audiobook.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Google Labs

Okay, I stand in awe. For years, I've tried to figure out how to get from my house to my main branch without taking three or four different buses. But even Metro's site couldn't figure that out. I tried the Google transit trip planner, and it found a way that I only need one transfer. Metro always had me going north, then transferring south, whereas Google has me starting out going south. (What a shocking idea. I want to go south, so it starts off by heading me south).

The printing was a problem (but, since it's under development, I guess we can give them some slack). When you print a trip, it prints the wrong trip.

I also tried the ride finder. I can tell you the location of every Yellow Cab in Seattle at this moment. This'll shock you... Most of them are around the airport or downtown. But there was one on the same street as the Kent library.

I also looked at some of the award winners, but I don't want to type forever, and bore my loyal readers (reader?)?

for the 27 things, the previous blog is also part of this, concerning the spreadsheets and such.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

test of e-mail

just a test to see if the e-mail works for the blog

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Google docs and Zoho

Okay, my first real attempt at creating a document in Google Docs is now complete. Assuming I did this right, this document will appear in my blog. Yes, I created this blog entry in Google Docs. Ooooooo. Aaaaa. I did notice it saved my document for me often. That's nice. I did discover that if you are typing a document, and then click on one of the tabs, such as Collaborate, if you then click Back, you do not arrive at your document, but at a blank document. You need to click on the Edit tab to get back to the document. Very interesting. Okay, on to part 2.

The format at Zoho is a little better, from my eye. It looks easier to follow and organize. However, I think if I decided to store my documents online, I would choose the largest company which might be the least likely to merge or go away. In first glance, Zoho looks more user friendly. I would have to try them for a while before making up my mind.

Okay, now that it published, I have a couple of comments. It worked pretty well. However, you have to make sure to use Beta version, even though Blogger2 isn't beta anymore. Second, Google continues to say it isn't published to your blog, even after it has been published. Other than that (and the fact you have to give your password to publish, which only makes sense), it works very well.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Library 2.0

Okay, I like the Google one better. What am I talking about, you ask? Good question! I shouldn't make every blog as if the person reading it is in on the 2.0 learning (though I doubt anyone else would want to read my blog, unless they were being paid to do so). Okay, back to what I was talking about. I compared Rollyo with Google custom Search Engine. Despite the fact that it's faster to type Rollyo, I liked Google Custom Search Engine better. Paid ads don't come up in the middle of the list on Google. The screen is less cluttered, and my eye follows the information easier. Rollyo displayed all of KCLS sites, then followed with all of the Sno-isle sites, whereas Google interspersed them (kcls - sno - kcls - sno), giving the searcher a more complete look at available info across a wider range of sites. All in all, I found Google more useful. And making one of my own was easy as well.

As for the articles on library 2.0 (or 1.0 through 4.0), that'll take a bit of time for me to absorb. Gotta think about it for a bit. I kinda feel like the granpa on the front porch contemplating the big city.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

South Park

Okay, I've never watched a whole episode, and didn't enjoy the partial episode that I looked at, but couldn't resist making myself a South Park Person. So, below is my result from the website
